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  • #873040

    We try to use a table in order to compare several offers. We made different texts, as you will see in the link page, without any success

    We want to set up a first column with the legend, (on one or two lines max.) and then display, in the others, a check mark such as an “x” or a “✓”
    The lines aren’t set the same height (we have a gap) so after 2 OR 3 lines, it become very difficult to understand the data.
    We tried to display the legend in each cell, because on mobile we do not see the legends (the user only sees the chekc mark)

    • What is the best practice for this kind of comparative ?
    • Legend in the fist column and then check mark in the others cells (but how to display legned on mobile) ?
    • And in this case, how to set different width for each colum of a table or the width of the fisrt column
    • Legend in all the celles ?

    Set up a comparatice table

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by I-Visio.

    Hey I-Visio,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    The theme automatically converts the table layout to mobile mode. You may need to create another table that is specifically designed for mobile view. Use the elements’ Screen Options to toggle the visibility of the tables.

    Best regards,


    Thank you for your reply,

    Ok to create 2 tables (one for the desktop and the tablet and one for the mobile).
    But what about:
    Set up a first column with the legend, in a specific width
    Set up the same height for all cells in a row

    For instance, about the desktop version and for the first row
    The legend that is : EMBALLAGE DU LINGE DE MAISON (CARTONS “STANDARD DEM”), will be displayed on 2 or 3 lines.
    The 4 others (columns Grand confort, Confort +, Confort and Dynamic) in which will be indicated or not a check mark, will be displayed on only one line.
    How to ensure that the cells of this row are of the same height to avoid a an offset?
    see screenshot below :
    comparative table

    Thanks for your help



    There is an existing script that converts the table to mobile mode. Unfortunately, the modification that you’re after is beyond the scope of support. Again, you can insert another table that is specifically designed for mobile view. Set the “Table Purpose” to tabular so that you can enable the table’s scroll bar.

    Best regards,


    Great !

    Thanks again for your support.

    Sorry to be late but , the host server was down today ;-(

    Have a nice day.



    Alright. We will close the thread now. Please feel free to open a new thread if you need anything else. :)

    Best regards,

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