Tagged: shortcode
Hello wondering if it was possible to set text in between a shortcode tag?
Thank you!
For Example:
[shortcode_name titlebar-color=”green” titlebar-background-color=”black” titlebar-icon-background-color=”orange”]TEXT GOES HERE [/shortcode_name]
text between [] and [/] and values like titlebar-color=”XYZ”
That is not possible, Not all shortcodes allow that to be done, it depends on how they have been developed.
Is there anything certain you want to do, so we can see and maybe try help you?
Thanks a lot
Best regards,
hello, my shortcode developer said this about what he wants to be able to do:
How I can set $atts fields on my shortcode?
This shortcode has been developed to allow this to be done, it allows both attributes to be set and text to be inserted. It’s been done with Avia’s own modules, allowing configuration of a widget.
It should do two things, on configuration. Provide a text box and a color picker. Thus allowing the attributes to be set, and inner text defined.
thank you!
Are you trying to create another shortcode or element? Please refer to the WordPress codex.
Best regards,