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  • #265717

    is there a way to set a default post image for use in the related posts and category pages ? a sitewide ‘use this image if none other is specified?


    hello, any ideas?


    thanks, but that link and article had to do with icons. My question was, is there a way set a default post image= eg, “if no post image is set, use xyz.jpg as post image”

    In the theme now, when you call up related posts and display post image, or use a tiled category/ archive page that looks for post image, when there is none there are lots of blank spots and it looks crappy. I’m looking for a way to have a default post image, such as my logo.

    I can’t figure it out in firebug because of the overlaid image/link/ classes and stuff. I’m not so good with the code stuff :) anyway, what is displayed is a rectangular area… looking to stick something there in its place if there is no other post image.


    maybe I am mis reading things, were you indicating that the default image is an icon? I though the icon was the thing that hovered over it indicating a clickable image link?



    Thank you for using the theme!

    If you want to set a default image for the related posts, you can edit includes > related-posts.php:

    $image 		= $post_thumb ? $post_thumb : "<span class='related_posts_default_image'>{image}</span>";

    Replace it with:

    $default    = "DEFAULT IMAGE URL HERE";
         			$image 		= $post_thumb ? $post_thumb : "<span class='related_posts_default_image'><img src='{$default}' /></span>";

    Replace the $default variable with the link to the default image that you want. Add this on Quick CSS or custom.css:

    span.related_posts_default_image {
    z-index: 9999;
    position: relative;
    min-height: 85px;
    span.related_posts_default_image img {
    min-height: 85px;
    visibility: visible;


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