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  • #454168

    Hi, what codes would I use to globally change the line height for text on my site?

    I would like everything that is set to size 33px to have 42px line height and everything that is 15px to have 20px line height.

    Currently I am using this code to achieve 42px but it is doing it for all paragraph text, I only want it to do it for 33px font.

    body, body p {
    line-height: 42px;

    Here is the site:

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by alex5252.


    It’s not possible in CSS to directly read the element current font size and based on that apply a value to another property, however there are some dynamic units you can use (em/rem):



    Would it be possible for me to apply a span class to a body of text and adjust the line-height for that span class? If so how would you recommend best doing that?


    Setting a class to it, something like:

    Morbi vulputate egestas massa, ac varius tellus rhoncus et. <span class="custom"> Fusce sollicitudin eros sit amet tellus ornare faucibus. Praesent vestibulum lectus eros</span>, sit amet dictum erat gravida non. 

    And then in CSS:

    line-height: 22px;


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