I have wordpress in French and all my plugins in French but Enfold is in english, could you please tell me how can i set it in French.
actually (with code styling localization it appears to be in french (french is in bold), but it is not). The thing is that I use birscheduler and it makes me a mix of english and french and I guess it comes from enfold that is in english.
If i suppress the them and reload it, will i loose all my pages produced with avia ?
Your help would be appreciated.
Hey ppaoletti!
Please try to deactivate all plugins and check if i.e. the birscheduler breaks the theme translation. If not, go to the Codestyling translation page and rescan the theme files (French translation). Then click on “Edit” to check if all necessary strings are translated and at least click on “Generate Mo” to generate the mo file.
Best regards,