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  • #422248

    Hello I want to set the height of my fullscreen sliders to about 480px. I need the fixed video background and the buttons so if I can adjust the height that seems to be the easiest way. I want to play the same video in about 3 sliders as on this page:

    I am working on a demo on this page: I used this css:

    .home .avia-builder-el-0.avia-fullscreen-slider .avia-slideshow {
    height: 480px !important;

    The height of the first occurrence is correct but I can’t get the video to stretch across screen, and the second slider is not affected by the css.

    BTW you guys are on fire! The fixed video background with text and buttons is beyond cool and many of you newer elements add so much interest to the page while still being functional and not gimmicks. I am going to start using enfold for all my projects . Keep it up. Thanks



    I think you could try using a Color Section (with the video as the background) + Easy Slider for the slides (inside the color section).



    Sorry I did not ask the question clearly. Please look at the screenshots I have posted here:

    I can do what I want by setting the height of the fullscreen slider with quick css but the video does not stretch to fill screen until I manually stretch the window a little. How can I get the video to open fullwidth? (I am using fullscreen slider instead of fullwidth because you can’t make a fixed r parallax video background in fullwidth slider. Thanks very much.



    it seems you did it, at least for the first slider, right? they are showing up for me fullscreen.

    Try with this code to control the sliders height:

    .avia-slideshow-inner {
    height: 480px !important;


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    Hey Mike!

    Please post a link to the page.


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    Hi Mike!

    We need to see the site live in order to debug it, you can post a temporary access here in a private reply.


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    Hi Mike!

    What’s the page with the issue? also, on which resolution does it occur?

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by Josue.

    Josue I don’t know if you are addressing me or Mike? And I don’t what you mean by resolution? I am the original poster. I have not resolved issue. The page is and the issue happens on medium screen widths say about a 13 to 20 inch screen. On very wide or very narrow screens the video goes full-width properly. Thanks, Rob


    Hey Rob!

    I’m not seeing it on my end (13′ Macbook), the video appears fullwidth, does it occur on page load or when you resize the window?



    Josue It occurs on reload and when I resize the window.I only have the one big iMac, but simulating screen widths by dragging the browser window I find that the video goes full width properly only at 1024 or below or about 2000 and above. I think the only reason it works on the small screen is because the native res of the video fills the screen. I have video set to stretched and the video is 16:9.

    You guys should make a full width slider w/ fixed video background. Its an awesome effect when you run the same video in several sections on the page.

    Thanks for your help w/this, Rob



    I don’t have a Mac to test on but I checked on Windows 7 and 8 but it looks fine there. Your using quite a few videos in the page so maybe that has something to do with it. Try creating a new page with just your first video to see if it works fine. If it does then add the rest of your content in piece by piece to see if the problem is from the rest of your content in the page.



    Please help me set custom height for the full screen slider in Enfold (child) theme (4.5.5). I have tried everything I can and no success. I see their is inline style setting the height is set here to 1247px which creates dark gray areas on top and below the video image.

    .avia-builder-el-0.av-minimum-height-100 .container, .avia-builder-el-0.avia-fullscreen-slider .avia-slideshow, .avia-builder-el-0.av-cell-min-height-100 > .flex_cell {
    height: 1247px;

    How can I fix this? I want to set the height to 788px which is the height of the video layer. Thanks for your help! Jim



    Thank you for using Enfold.

    This css code should limit the height of the slider.

    .home #full_slider_1 .avia-slideshow-inner {
        max-height: 75vh;

    The height of the slider is going to be 75% of the browser or view port height.

    Best regards,

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