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  • #687971

    I have three color section on my homepage with the same background image, im pretty sure they are pointing to the same media image, but when i test the speed of my site with

    i get this error shown in private, how do i ensure the same image is used for all three color section?

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by yingyang.

    Hey kilimats,

    Can you post a link to the page you’re testing?

    Best regards,


    this page thx



    It’s caused by Jetpack’s Photon, which is loading the same image from three 3 different domains.

    Best regards,


    thank you, im going to assume its best to disable it then ? do you recommend leaving it?


    If you want to get a higher score, yes. That doesn’t mean a higher load speed though, what Photon does is load the images from WP server which may be faster or slower than your own server.

    Best regards,


    thank you ! you helped a lot



    Glad we could help!
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    Thank you for using Enfold :)

    Best regards,

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