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  • #973854

    Hello again,

    we have a serious problem with the update of a running enfold-theme website:


    there is no way to do the update from version 3.4.7 to the newest version without a crash.


    we have tried ALL of the ways described in this forum, (ftp, manually, updating over child theme…)

    deleting the themes ordner of enfold there are still enfold code in some php-files producing a crash (white canvas) by updating or new-installtion of the theme.

    Is there any idea from your side?

    Otherwise we have to create a completely new site and installation.

    Thanks so much for help,


    I’m having a similar problem. I’m finding it impossible to update my Enfold theme.

    I’m currently on 4.2 and inside my wordpress dashboard, it tells me that my theme is up to date and confirms I’m running 4.2.

    Inside Theme Updates I get this message:

    “No Updates available. You are running the latest version! (4.2)”

    However I know this is not the most up to date version. I followed the link from the email I was sent telling me about the latest theme, I’ve downloaded the latest theme and when I try to upload it through wordpress I get the same error each time:

    “The link you followed has expired. Please try again.”



    I took a look at your site and the debug code in your header says you are using v4.4.1
    so it seems that you have solved this?

    since you are using v3.4.7, I recommend you first create a full backup of your site before updating, I imagine you have, but wanted to be sure. Then you will need to completely remove your old enfold theme directory before uploading the new version via ftp, please do not try to overwrite your theme folder. I believe this is where you are experiencing your crash, unless you have enfold core files in your child theme also.
    You should also ensure that your webhost has PHP v5.6 as a minimum installed, but WordPress recommends PHP v7.
    If this doesn’t help, Can you please include a admin login & ftp access in the private content area so we can take a closer look.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    thanks for the hint, i tried it out on our local back-up installation
    (yes, we have one:) but i doesn’t work either.

    php version ok. (5.6.22, more information you’ll find in the link below in private)

    If you would take a closer look to the problem would be great, because we have to relaunch tomorrow and all the media assets on the site should be used in a new design…
    If you’ll find a solution, please first write back to me and we try this solution at the local server, to avoid another, possible crash, there a some people who need the content of the site to work with, thanks! (the log-in you’ll find below in private.)

    Second Problem:
    Because we weren’t sure to solve the problem unti the launch tomorow, we’re workin meanwhile with the new enfold version local.
    We try to set several layer slider pop-up-sliders at the front page, but, using the enfold page builder, the following ocures:

    “This is a problem with the theme builder. It creates a container for the slider, and even if the slider is not visible from the start (popup), the container generated by theme is there. You will either need to ask your theme author, if they have a better solution for this. Or use LayerSlider’s default methods to insert your sliders”

    This was the answer of Kreatura, author of layerSlider.

    The default method dont work, auto-include, targeting the side-id from the slider-options, does nothing.

    If you could figger out a solution for this problem too, i would be very, very greatful!!
    Hope to read soon from you and thanks a lot in advance,


    Hi Mike,

    we had to create a complete new installation on the server right now, therefore your login datas will be deleted.

    thanks for your help,


    I see that you have a new version installed now, so I imagine that the question of updating is not needed now?
    For your second question, I believe you are referring to the layerslider popup feature which is a premium feature that I don’t have on my localhost. Can you create a test page displaying the layerslider popup and it’s error so we can see?

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    we solved the problems,
    its about to add the pop-up slider with short-code in a text-field and not with the layer-slider-element, then everything works fine.

    Thanks again for helping, we can close the post from my part.

    regards from munich,



    Glad we could help!

    Please take a moment to review our theme and show your support https://themeforest.net/downloads
    Don’t forget to bookmark Enfold Documentation for future reference.

    Thank you for using Enfold :)

    Best regards,

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