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  • #934377

    Hi, I use the horizntal gallery the first time and there is one point confusing me very much.
    I have Sides with several different Gallerys. The Thumbnails working very fine, the hover and opening Effects too.
    On click, the picture opens in a Lightbox, very good. The next gallery: All works fine too.

    But: Both gallerys open in the same Lightbox. If the first gallery has 20 pictures, and the second 20, the Lightbox has 30, used by both. Is ist possible to seperate them?????


    Hi, i’ve tried different kombinations and it seemes, that all pictures in a single page with several horizontal gallerys are opening in one Lightbox-pool. /for example: 3 galleries with 10 pictures are opening in a Light box with 30 pictures)

    Is it possible to change the code, so that just the pictures of gallery 1 opens in the lightbox, and if you click on one picture in gallery 2 only the pictures of gallery 2 will be opened in the lightbox?

    All horizontal galleries have different css classes e.g. av-horizontal-gallery-1, av-horizontal-gallery-2 etc.

    I’m using enfold 4.23 (same result as 4.12), is this a bug which will be fixed in the actual Version? I build this side in a subdomain, nearby, after the okay of our customer, it will be launched. At this point we usually activate enfold. But if it is a bug in 4.23, we will activate it immediately

    Thanks for your help

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by agentur-sks.
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