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  • #338942

    I mentioned in my topic:
    , that there is something weird with SEO .
    Now, working with plugins contains possible problems you don’t want to occur….
    So i started checking some other domains with Enfold, out of curiosity…begun somewhere within a site in Enfold Showcase.
    starts above with a sentence in the upper topbar left and has some iconlinks rightsided (linkedin, twitter, facebook,google+).
    The site does use Yoast seo-plugin, with written “description”:
    “TFG provides executive recruiting and consulting services to the Technology, Consumer Products and Services, and Professional Service sectors.”
    If you now lookup the homepage in google searchresults, the “description” is:
    “New Executive Opportunities posted… LinkedIn · Twitter · Facebook · Google + · The Ferneborg Group. 650-577-0100 info@ execsearch.com. Menu. What We …”
    Or…also Yoast doesn’t also work at all?? and if it is caused by a conflict, Enfold or Google: social icons are sure not something you want in your homepage description.

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by rikv.

    Hi rikv!

    Did you already asked support team of Yoast plugin about this issue?




    Google states that the description shown in the search result is not necessarily the description you used on your homepage. The description on google is tailored to the search term and might change depending on what and how you search…

    Best regards,

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