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  • #1362432

    on uploading custom fonts for selfhosting with Custom Font Manager
    In what order does Enfold try to load the self-hosted fonts?
    If I do it manually via a css, I offer the woff2 first ( see image on the bottom how entypo is loaded ) , because it provides the better but more modern compression method with brotli. Then only woff. But I have now noticed that with such a font Enfold loads the woff.
    If ttf is present in the uploaded zip file – this will be uploaded first.

    so on src for those selfhosted fonts it will be best to offer first woff2, woff, ttf, svg

    i see that on class-font-manager.php from lines 526ff this is the sequence – but on an installation of mine the woff is loaded allthough the woff2 is present.

    this is the generated css from selfhosted fontfiles via Custom Font Manager :

    btw: this is how entypo-fontello font is loaded:

    By the way, it’s not an academic question – it’s about performant websites. When modern browsers open a website, woff2 loads much faster than the other font container formats.

    Small supplement: In the meantime I even upload woff2 and woff formats exclusively. If someone still opens my pages and doesn’t support these formats, then he may see the fallback font ;) – but first it has to load the woff2 – if browser supports it.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Guenni007.
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Guenni007.
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by Ismael.

    Hi Guenter!

    Thanks for the inquiry.

    Please try to edit the enfold/framework/php/font-management/class-avia-type-fonts.php file, around line 1061 inside the get_css_custom_font_face function, reverse the order of the items in the $urls array.

    $css .=		implode( ",\r\n          ", array_reverse($urls) );

    Expected result:

    @font-face {
      font-family: 'aboreto-v2-latin';
      src: url('') format('woff2'),
        url('') format('woff'),
        url('') format('truetype'),
        url('') format('svg'),
        url('') format('embedded-opentype'),
        url('') format('embedded-opentype');
      font-style: normal;
      font-weight: 400;
      font-display: auto;



    thanks Ismael – that works –

    I already suspected that I had to work with array_reverse, only I didn’t find the place in the code where to put it.
    Don’t you think it would be better to set this as default generation of the css for the urls?


    Hi Günter,

    I added a fix:

    Can you replace enfold\framework\php\font-management\class-avia-type-fonts.php

    with the contents of

    This should load in the order of woff2, woff, ttf, svg, eot (if they exist).

    You can use filter ‘avf_font_manager_file_formats’ to add additional formats or reorder as you like.

    Can you check please.

    Best regards,


    and how do you change the order now – the array_reverse seems to me a usefull idea. But now i do not see how it is done.
    on line 140ff – that was my first attempt to change this. But has no influence on that.

    The lines 977ff i do not understand how this reorders the font mime type loading sequence. Anyway – i do not need to understand all.

    Can you please give a hint how the filter ‘avf_font_manager_file_formats‘ is used to change the order?



    Example usage of the avf_font_manager_file_formats filter.

    add_filter('avf_font_manager_file_formats', function($formats, $context) {
        if($context == 'AviaTypeFonts')
            $formats = array(
                'woff2'	=> "format('woff2')",
                'woff'	=> "format('woff')",
                'ttf'	=> "format('truetype')",
                'svg'	=> "format('svg')",
                'eot'	=> "format('embedded-opentype')"
            // add another file format at the beginning of the array
            $formats = array("woff3" => "format('woff3')") + $formats;
        return $formats;
    }, 10, 2);

    This example just returns the $formats in default order.



    ok – this moves to my enfold snippet list ;) – Thanks



    No problem! Let us know if you have more questions. :)

    Have a nice day.


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