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  • #1357954

    Hi there,
    we try to be gdpr-compliant and this is why we use your option to upload google fonts to our server and include them through your options page.
    This generally works fine, it just seems that after a while when returning to our site and checking for gdpr compliance we use the standard google fonts again, hosted by google.
    We haven’t figured out yet what causes the problem, but we use Enfold for a few of our projects always with a child-theme installation and it happens on almost all of them from time to time.
    Can you help?
    Thank you very much.
    Best regards


    Hi Axel,

    Please send us a temporary WordPress admin login and login URL so that we can have a closer look. You can post the details in the Private Content section of your reply.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    Thanks for that. I checked the front end of your site, and it looks like it’s using the correct fonts according to your theme settings. Could you try to explain the problem a bit further, and let us know how to reproduce it please?

    Best regards,


    Dear Rikard,

    thanks for checking.
    As described in my initial question, the set up works fine, and the site works perfectly for a while but then after a certain time, not sure when, the google fonts start loading from the google server again. Also as described before, we haven’t figured out yet what causes the problem? we don’t have automatic updates enabled for enfold, no one changes the setup of the page, it just happenes out of nowhere. Within a few months. And not only on this particular website, as said before, we have enfold installed in a few websites, it seems to happen in all of them on a regular basis.
    So no, we can’t tell you how to reproduce the problem.
    Thanks for your help.

    Best regards



    Thanks for the update. It will be a bit difficult for us to reproduce this problem then, and we haven’t had reports of this happening on other user installations either. There’s nothing in the theme which would automatically load a font from a different location at some random time. Could you let us know when you see this problem again, so that we can see it actually happening?

    Best regards,


    Have you deactivated the theme support for loading Google fonts?

    something like this:

    function my_output_google_webfonts_script( $activate ){
      return false;
    add_filter( 'avf_output_google_webfonts_script', 'my_output_google_webfonts_script', 10, 1 );

    i do always load my fonts locally – mainly from GDPR (DSGVO) reasons.
    Even if you have hampered that loading – you can use determination of used fonts by: Enfold (Child) – General Styling – Fonts.
    If you load different fonts than those listed – you can add to that list your self hosted fonts.


    function avia_add_custom_font($fonts){
        $fonts['Amaranth'] = 'Amaranth:ital,wght@0,400;0,700;1,400;1,700&display=swap';
        return $fonts;
    add_filter( 'avf_available_google_fonts',  'avia_add_custom_font');

    The added custom font is at the end of the dropdown list (not in alphabetical order)

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Yigit.


    Thanks for helping out @guenni007 :-)

    Best regards,


    Hello and thank you,

    yes, I actually started using a similar code snippet in my child theme on other installations to avoid it jumping back to google fonts.
    I probably have to use it on all my sites from now on as we have to be gdpr-compliant and google fonts are not.
    I let you know, if I notice this problem again and if in the meantime you hear of a similar problem on a different installation with a different customer it be great to let me know, so we might be able to figure out what causes the font-switch.

    Best regards


    Hi Axel,

    Thanks for the update. We’ll leave this thread open for you, in case you should have any further problems or details for us.

    Best regards,

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