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  • #901082

    Hey guys

    I just recently updated to 4.2 but now any self hosted videos are defaulting to 480 wide whereas they previously would fill the available area. See an example here:



    Hey twitchdevelopment,

    Here is the code you can put in Enfold > General Styling > Quick Css,  if it does not work, put into themes/enfold/css/custom.css

    .mejs-container {
      width: 100% !important;

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria, thanks for the reply.

    That does solve one issue, however, it looks like a lot of the styling has disappeared. E.g. in previous versions the controls were there, but now they have disappeared. Comparing the two it looks like /enfold/js/mediaelement/skin-1/mediaelementplayer.css used to be loaded which had a lot of styles in it ( such as the positioning of the controls ). Now it looks like some of these have moved to the css/shortcodes.css file, but many necessary styles are missing. I could obviously include this old stylesheet manually myself, but it should really be fixed. This basically makes the self-hosted video option unusable unless you’re a technical user.



    Hi twitchdevelopment,

    Yes, we have the issue with the video, our devs are aware of it and are working on a solution. Hopefully, the fix it soon.

    Best regards,


    Thanks Victoria

    Do you have an ETA on when that might be? I just checked the latest release but it seems things are still broken.




    It will be inside this week as the new update is already in the works!
    Thank you for your understanding

    Best regards,


    Thanks Basilis!



    You are welcome!
    We appreciate the patience!

    Best regards,

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