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  • #1134985

    Hello everybody,
    I’m trying to loop a video in the background of a color section.
    The video is in my media library.
    Is there any way to do this ?

    here is the links to the pages :

    Thank you


    Hey Underkult,

    Yes, you can add it on the ALB elements. Have you tried it? What error you have had?

    Best regards,


    Hi Basilis,
    I just want my videos to loop but instead they play just once and at the end, the section display a big black box.
    I tried in background of color sections and with sliders.
    Best Regards,



    The video should loop by default, but you may need to upload it to Youtube or Vimeo.

    You can also try and edit the themes\enfold\framework\php\function-set-avia-frontend.php, look for this code around line 693:

    $output .= '<video class="avia_video" '.$image.' '.$autoplay.' '.$loop.' '.$metadata.' '.$muted.' controls id="'.$uid.'" >';

    Just make sure that the loop attribute is set.

    $output .= '<video class="avia_video" '.$image.' '.$autoplay.' loop '.$metadata.' '.$muted.' controls id="'.$uid.'" >';

    Best regards,


    Hi there,

    I have licensed two copies of the Enfold theme so far and I have the opposite problem. I DO NOT want the video to be looped and I want to autostart one self-hosted video. These are two very essential parameters that MUST BE ABLE to be set for online video. No matter if self-hosted or serviced. I also want the same behavior on mobile devices.

    I noticed that you helped lots of individual problems with “Try editing the code in the theme folder /Enfold/…” But actually I’m using a child theme and I want to profit from future theme updates WITHOUT fiddling in all that code again.

    So, can you please give advice, how to control videos used with Enfold theme, without modifying original (parent) theme code! This cannot be true to provide a video support within your theme with that poor amount of options. You drop all the most important control elements for embedding videos in your theme.

    Can you please add proper options for the video element in the next theme update? And can you please provide that as soon as possible?

    Thank you for your help in advance.

    Best regards,

    P.S. Default Volume, and “Controls” is also quite essential.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Scorp1.


    Thank you for the inquiry.

    This is possible, but we can’t change the setting of the video element by overriding the scripts in the child theme. We have to modify parent theme files.


    Replace the content of the files with the designated pastebins. This will add new options in the video element.

    Best regards,


    Thank you, Ismael, for the pastebins. So, I assume I have to repeat this after every parent theme update, right?
    Can’t you update the theme with proper options for the video shortcode respectively the clickable options in the advanced layout builder? These video control options are essential and might be set differently for each video you embed…



    Thank you for the update.

    We’ll forward the request to the team for further considerations. For now, you have to do the above modifications. Thank you for your patience.

    Best regards,



    I added this request to our dev repo and we will try to implement it for the next update. Please check the changelog.


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