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  • #475884

    Hi there,

    I would like to change the style of a selected ID tag. When an anchor tag is selected with an ID, the page scrolls to the corresponding ID section. This is a great feature, and I would like to make changes to the style of the selected ID tag in order to indicate that it is selected and/or the section is being viewed.

    I pasted a link to the page I’m working on with this feature I want to implement in the private content. The green texts to the side with the checkmarks contain ID tags.



    Hey cthai!

    Your talking about the custom buttons you have setup on the left it looks like. There wouldn’t be a point for this because they do not scroll down with the page.

    I haven’t tested it out but you could try adding them to line 81 in the /enfold/js/avia.js file. That is the script we use for the main menu.



    Hey Elliot,

    I was able to get the left side column stick to the top when the page scrolls down. Now I am following your instruction about the avia.js file. I pasted a link to the screenshot I took of what I see on line 81. I also want to mention that the ID tags are not menus, but coded HTML links that I added in avia builder. Will adjusting the main menu on line 81 have an affect on these links? On the other hand, having the main menu selected on a certain page is also beneficial and something I had noticed.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by cthai.


    It looks like it worked. Good job. :)

    You could just add a new line beneath it like so to target your custom links.

    $('body').avia_scrollspy({target:'.main_menu .menu li > a'});

    Best regards,


    Thanks Elliot, I am unsure how these lines work and what their function is. I’m also unsure how they relate with allowing us to style a selected Target ID. Could you please explain?

    Thank you



    They are adding certain links to the “scrollspy” script we have included with the theme. When these links are clicked on they will do a “smooth scroll” to the anchors and also highlight the link, etc etc.

    For the example in my previous post you could just add a class of “customLinks” to each link you want to use scrollspy with.



    Hi Elliot, thank you for the explanation. I am still unsure how this “scrollspy” script relates to each link, so I do not know how to work and implement it. Also not sure if this affects what we’re trying to do, but I am using another plugin for sticky side column, called “Sticky Menu (or Anything!) on Scroll”. Perhaps a step by step instruction would be helpful, though I’m sure this is something really simple that I’m not understanding.

    I pasted the URL of the page I’m working on in the private content area.




    When I click on the links it scrolls to the correct area in a smooth manner so it appears to be working. It’s not doing it on your end?

    Best regards,


    Hi Elliot, the scrolling works smoothly, and I am trying to add a background color change to the link that is selected. Could I target it with CSS somehow?




    Maybe something like this in the bottom of your functions.php file.

    add_action( 'wp_head', 'enfold_customization_header_scripts' );
    function enfold_customization_header_scripts() {
    <script type = "text/javascript">
    jQuery('.steps a').click(function(){
    jQuery('.steps a').removeClass('active');


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