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  • #1353291

    Hi –

    I don’t know if you can help, but I’m seeing 2 different favicons depending on the page that I view. Per my GTMetrix waterfall, it looks like they are both loading?

    This is the favicon that I have listed in my theme:

    And when I viewed my favicon:


    (left is correct, right is our logo….)

    Do you have any thoughts on why 2 might be loading and why one is “winning” on one page and one on the other?



    Hey Shari,
    Thanks for your question, it seems that the default that browsers look for is pointing to /wp-content/uploads/TSS_112x112-36×36.jpg
    which is the one on the right.
    What image do you have in your Enfold Theme Options ▸ Favicon?
    Do you have an actual favicon.ico in your root directory?
    Try removing the Enfold Theme Options ▸ Favicon image and add the correct favicon.ico in your root directory.
    Then clear your browser cache and any cache plugin, and check.

    Best regards,


    Woo hoo! It’s fixed! Thanks for the clear and simple instructions :)


    Wait – I’m still seeing a call to the incorrect icon in my GTMetrix waterfall on my home page – do you have any suggestions for me? Also, do you know why the favicon is taking so much time? Or does it not matter because this is the last thing that it loads and should affect my TTFB, etc, etc.




    I believe that this file TSS_112x112-36×36.jpg is linked somewhere else, I don’t think this is standard.
    I can’t really tell from the outside, but if you include admin login in the Private Content area I could check for you.
    As for the time, it is loading in 171ms it’s just last in the waterfall.

    Best regards,


    Hi – I took your “somewhere else” suggestion and found it in site identity under customize. It’s gone!

    Now, definitely solved (until next time, of course :) )

    Thanks again!


    Hi Shari,

    I’m glad that Mike could help you :)
    Thanks for using Enfold and have a great day!

    Best regards,

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