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  • #1406862

    since some time I have with text-block elements that a script is inserted there with every change from visual to text mode. Since my password there is extremely long and secure, I actually don’t think it’s a hack. The whole thing looks like this and you can find it on other sites via Google. I don’t like such unsolicited entries at all.

    <script src="moz-extension://8911f6ec-6e1d-42da-9ec9-df8f4dd90fef/injectedPasswordless.js" type="text/javascript"></script>


    Do you know where the origin of injection is?


    Hey Guenter,

    How can I reproduce this? I tried it on a local install with ALB Textblock switching from visiual to text.

    Best regards,


    so try not on a local install – try on a live site.
    look here on board for the DOM :

    this might not be a matter of enfold – because a lot of website do have this script – but maybe one of us has info what it does.
    On textblock i looks this way:
    Each time when i switch between visual and text mode there is another line:


    btw. browsing on chrome :
    <script type="text/javascript" src="chrome-extension://fooolghllnmhmmndgjiamiiodkpenpbb/injectedPasswordless.js"></script>



    Hm, strange. I also tested on a live site on an All-Inkl server. See private content.
    It is also not in HTML source.

    Best regards,


    ok – if you do not see it in your text alb element – but it is on nearly all websites i inspect the DOM – that script ( see screenshot of above ) is present.
    And see here for your testpage from private area:

    it seems that it comes from a browser plugin ( password-manager ) – but that is a nogo. For all I care on the called page – but to insert it within the content of a page … headshake


    Glad to hear that you have sorted out that moz-extension: and chrome-extension: is a result of the browser addon and that this code was injected by it.
    Shall we close this then?

    Best regards,


    yes – of course

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