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  • #1067477


    I need to get in touch as soon as possible about a confirmed security is avia_wpml_language_switch as part of the Enfold theme.
    I understand this is included in this theme and it is currently in use on our site. I would rather not mention the details publicly, is there an address I can e-mail this problem?
    As I understand it, the problem is not present when using WPML without Enfold, but I’m not sure about this. I would like to discuss this with you directly.



    Additional information: this problem is present in at least 4.4.1 through 4.5.4

    This reply has been marked as private.

    It is really important that we do get a response to this problem. Please contact us as soon as possible.



    We have forward the issue to our developers for review.

    Best regards,



    Thanks for reporting this.

    Please update line 278 and 279:

    $output .= "<li class='language_" . $lang['language_code'] . " $currentlang'><a href='" . esc_url( $lang['url'] ) . "'>";
    $output .= "	<span class='language_flag'><img title='" . $lang['native_name'] . "' src='". esc_url( $lang['country_flag_url'] ) . "' alt='" . $lang['native_name'] . "' /></span>";

    I added a pull request to our dev repo for the next update.

    Best regards,


    Thanks for your response. I haven’t tested it yet but that fix does seem correct.

    I am worried about the state of the code in the rest of that file. Is a security review something that is on your agenda?


    I just responding to this topic because I created a personal account, rather than use an account I share with somebody else; I am the original starter of this topic.



    I checked this file and fixed some more. Here is the updated file (Enfold 4.5.4):


    I added a pull request to our dev repo.


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