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  • #972205

    I got a Norton Malware alert:
    (Link below)

    Really strange… I deduct only the forceSSL – part?
    Is this a part of the theme? (iThemes Support says so).


    Hi Peter!
    I don’t think this is a theme issue otherwise other Enfold websites would trigger security alerts too. I tested my Enfold websites and also Kriesi’s website here ( ) and did not get any alerts.

    You can try following:

    1) Connect with ftp to your server, go to the wp-content/themes folder, rename the enfold theme folder to enfold_bak
    2) Download the latest Enfold version from themeforest and unzip the file.
    3) Upload the unzipped Enfold folder to the wp-content/themes and test your website again.

    If the issue persists, try to switch to another theme and test your website again.



    Hi Dude,
    I did a total bit by bit compare against my install and a new downloaded version
    File: enfold\config-woocommerce\woocommerce-mod.css

    Diff: /*enfold v 3.1.4*/
    .widget_layered_nav_filters .chosen a{display: block; border-radius: 2px; padding-left:3px;}
    .widget_layered_nav_filters .chosen a:hover, .widget_layered_nav .chosen a:hover { text-decoration: none; }
    .widget_layered_nav_filters .chosen a:before, .widget_layered_nav .chosen a:before{
    content: “×”;
    margin-right: .53em;
    color: #e2401c;
    font-family: Arial, Baskerville, monospace !important;
    font-weight: bold;

    Should have been
    content: “x”;

    Could that trigger such an stir?

    I actually compared my other sites … This: content: “×” is also present there? Hmmm

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by Netzie.

    Hi Netzie,

    This can be the file encoding issue.
    I have an “x”

    Best regards,


    Thanks Vic!
    Hmmm weird indeed
    I change it and request a rescan.
    I also edited some settings in my search settings in GA – So maybe it will sort itself out?
    Have a nice weekend – I’ll let you know when this issue is solved or not!!



    Ok, I’ll leave this thread open for now :)

    Best regards,


    Case closed…
    It was proberly a combination of my “Search Settings” in my Google Analytics … Vs Enfold Vs something else!!
    I edit the search settings and removed the funny letter with the X and got Norton to rescan … Voila CLEAN?!
    Maybe a false negative?

    Anyway thanks for your help and support !!



    Great, glad you got it working. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,
    Thx – Please close it



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