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  • #1444100
    Wordfence Responsible Disclosure


    My name is Adam and I’m a Customer Support Engineer with Wordfence, a WordPress security provider. I’m reaching out regarding a security issue we’ve identified in your product, Enfold – Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme.

    Please confirm if this is an appropriate inbox for handling this discussion, or provide an alternative contact for us to reach someone on your team responsible for product security. We’ll provide the issue’s specific details at that time.

    Additionally, please refer to our vulnerability disclosure policy, located at This document outlines the typical steps and timeframes associated with this process.

    I appreciate your prompt response.

    Adam Goodlin
    Wordfence Customer Support Engineer

    Reference Wordfence Ticket: 332382


    Hi Adam,

    Thanks for reaching out to us.

    Please share more details of the issue you’ve identified with me at (Email address hidden if logged out) and we’ll address it as soon as we can.

    Thank you.

    Best regards,

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