can i set a section and it to work like footer? To show that section in all pages?
Hey Isakos-Soft!
sure, go to Enfold->Footer->”Default Footer Widgets & Socket Settings”
Best regards,
Sorry, i don’t mean that.
I want to set on Avia Layout Builder a color section with other content elements and that to work like footer.
That color section to stick in all pages, like footer.
You can enable debugging mode – http://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/enable-advanced-layout-builder-debug/ and then create your color section element and then copy its shortcode and edit footer.php file to add it there. Please also see – https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/do_shortcode/
Ok, but if you have a example it will be better for me.
Thank you
Is generating and copying shortcode part is clear? All you have to do is turn on debugging mode by referring to the link i posted above and then creating your element then copying it from right below ALB content.
Then you should go to Appearance > Editor and open Footer.php file and find following line
<div class='container_wrap footer_color' id='footer'>
then add your code right above it as following
<?php echo do_shortcode( '[your-color-section-shortcode]' ); ?>
Is generating and copying shortcode part is clear?
No, I don’t understand.
Have you an example in video for a section to work like footer ?
Thank you
Well, i explained how to do it right after my question :)
And since this is a very specific request, we do not have video instructions.
Best regards,
Ok. Thank you