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  • #705333


    I’ve selected the “display a small arrow that points down to the next section” in a colour section which looks great, but it’s carrying through to another colour section below – how can I stop that?

    Many thanks


    Hey Picante,

    Can you post a screenshot of “it’s carrying through to another colour section below”, I checked on your site but I couldn’t see it on my end.

    Best regards,


    I don’t know how to post a screenshot here, but if you look at the page I mentioned it has a blue colour section “A Complete Service….” to which I have added the downward arrow. Unfortunately a downward arrow can also be seen further down the page above “Recent Fit-out Projects”. If you look at the page you should be able to see this.

    Many thanks



    I can’t see any down arrows at all on my end unfortunately, did you remove them? We need to be able to inspect the error in order to give you custom CSS.

    Best regards,

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