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  • #289690

    i need a second Footer Area in Enfold theme. Is it possible? It should be over the main footer with the color of the Socket. How can i do that?

    Thanks for your help



    Hey suchfin!

    You can try to add a Color Section element but it would not work on pages with sidebar unfortunately



    hey, i know. So the question is… How can i register a second footer widget area.

    I found this article

    I need help to do this in enfold




    Thank you for using the theme.

    Use this plugin to enable the use of PHP codes on the text editor:

    Insert the dynamic_sidebar function. Refer to this link for more info:

    Actually, just insert the Widget Area element to make things much more simple.

    Best regards,


    when I try to create a new widget area, the data of the existing widgets will be deleted. I need it for a second footer area. i don’t want to use PHP codes on the text editor. All what i want is a second footer area with 4 column’s

    i put this code in the function.php

    // Footerwidget, located in the footer. Empty by default.
    register_sidebar( array(
    	'name' => __( 'Footer-2-Links', 'enfold' ),
    	'id' => 'footer-2-links',
    	'description' => __( 'Die zweite Footer ebene links.', 'enfold' ),
    	'before_widget' => '<section id="%1$s" class="widget clearfix %2$s">', 
    			'after_widget' => '<span class="seperator extralight-border"></span></section>', 
    			'before_title' => '<h3 class="widgettitle">', 
    			'after_title' => '</h3>', 
    ) );

    Then I created a new widget area. The problem is that the data already existing widget’s will be deleted. How can I solve the problem?

    thanks and regards




    Edit footer.php, remove everything then replace it with this:

    Edit functions.php, add this at the very bottom:

    $footer_columns = avia_get_option('footer_columns','5');
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $footer_columns; $i++)
    		'name' => 'Footer2 - column'.$i,
    		'before_widget' => '<section id="%1$s" class="widget clearfix %2$s">', 
    		'after_widget' => '<span class="seperator extralight-border"></span></section>', 
    		'before_title' => '<h3 class="widgettitle">', 
    		'after_title' => '</h3>', 

    Go to the widgets panel then add new widgets on the Footer2 columns.

    Best regards,



    I tried Ismael’s code but it breaks down the whole site, so I suppose either the code is outdated or my functions.php is already filled up with too much other stuff.

    Here is the content of my functions.php

     * Theme Name child theme functions and definitions
    /* Include the parent theme style.css
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'theme_enqueue_styles' );
    function theme_enqueue_styles() {
        wp_enqueue_style( 'parent-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/style.css' );
    function add_custom_div(){
            window.location = jQuery(this).find("a:first").attr("href");
            return false;
    add_action('wp_footer', 'add_custom_div');
    add_filter( 'avf_google_heading_font', 'avia_add_heading_font');
    function avia_add_heading_font($fonts)
    $fonts['Quicksand'] = 'Quicksand:300,400,700';
    return $fonts;
    add_filter( 'avf_google_content_font', 'avia_add_content_font');
    function avia_add_content_font($fonts)
    $fonts['Quicksand'] = 'Quicksand:300,400,700';
    return $fonts;

    Any chance for help? :-)

    Thank you!



    In the functions.php, replace the code suggested here with the following:

    add_action('after_setup_theme', 'ava_register_footer_2', 10);
    function ava_register_footer_2() {
            $number = 5;
    	for ($i = 1; $i <= $number; $i++)
    			'name' => 'Footer2 - column'.$i,
    			'before_widget' => '<section id="%1$s" class="widget clearfix %2$s">',
    			'after_widget' => '<span class="seperator extralight-border"></span></section>',
    			'before_title' => '<h3 class="widgettitle">',
    			'after_title' => '</h3>',

    Replace the value of the $number variable to coincide with the number of footer columns currently activated.

    And replace the whole footer.php file with the following code.





    Finally got to try it out and it works like a charm! Thank you Ismael!

    Now I wanted to style the two footers seperatly, for the first footer row I’d like an image as a background, the other one should be customized via theme settings.

    I’m using this code

    #footer {
    background: transparent url(your-image-here) repeat top left;

    However the image streches now across both footer rows. Is there a way to seperate this? maybe give the second footer a different css id?

    Thank you so much!



    Add a unique class attribute to the second footer container. Look for the second occurence of this code.

    <div class='container_wrap footer_color' id='footer'>

    Add the class attribute.

    <div class='container_wrap footer_color second_footer' id='footer'>

    Use the “second_footer” class attribute.

    Best regards,



    do you mean something like this?

    Hmm that creates 2 white lines between the two widget rows and the area below the socket is now colored as well.

    Thank you



    The markup is incorrect.

    <div class='container_wrap footer_color' id='footer'>
    <div class='container_wrap footer_color second_footer' id='footer'>

    Why is it duplicated? Please remove this line.

    <div class='container_wrap footer_color' id='footer'>

    Best regards,


    I just need one new footer widget ares, above the current footer. How can I accomplish this?


    Hi Justin,

    You can design a separate page to be your footer, you can then set to use that page under Enfold->Footer. Please try that out.

    Best regards,

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