Hi @enfold!
How can I set the search symbol that way the it shows part of the text of the search word. In my case it shows only the headline and than you habe to scroll the whole page to find the searched context. would be great if also the link to the #partofpage
thanks for your feedback
Michael F
Hey werbeagenturlauf,
Thank you for the inquiry.
Would you like to display the summary or excerpt of the searched items? You may need to manually add them using the Excerpt box in the page or post editor because the content created using the Advance Layout Builder (ALB) will not automatically display in the search results page. If you do not see an Excerpt box in the post editor, enable it from the Screen Options.
Best regards,
hi Ismael,
sorry, kept you waiting. Where do I finde the excerpt. box or the Screen options?
Best regards
Michael F
Hi werbeagenturlauf,
https://share.getcloudapp.com/qGulQo6q Here is where you can find the screen options.
Best regards,