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  • #1339684

    Hello there,
    Just checking out site on and we have found warning attached to each of our pages.
    Not sure what is causing this, but it looks like the Search page.

    Essentially URLs are appended with “?s=”
    reported as Linked ULR of:

    We are using Yoast SEO if that plays any role.

    Thank you.


    Hey biotechz,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    We are not really sure what is causing that issue but the following thread might help. The user asked if the search icon can be removed completely from the main menu, but since you are using a search widget, you may need to manually remove it from the Appearance > Widgets panel.


    Another thing that you could do is to disallow crawling on pages with a specific parameter, which might be the more reasonable solution. You can set this rule in your robot.txt file.

    Disallow: /*?s=*


    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,
    We are hiding the search form already for the rest of the site but wanted it active on the blog section. Hiding the search with function or removing it from the widget does nothing since the search page is still responding on URLs of .
    If there is a “search function” it is affecting the entire site.

    Adding the Disallow: /*?s=* did not make a difference.

    Any other ideas?


    After a closer look, I found this in our source code even though search from is not visible.
    Our CSS:

    /* --- hide search icon in the main menu --- */
    #menu-item-search {
    display: none;
    #top>a {
        display: none;

    HTML generated:

    <li id="menu-item-search" class="noMobile menu-item menu-item-search-dropdown menu-item-avia-special" role="menuitem">
    <a aria-label="Search" href="?s=" rel="nofollow" data-avia-search-tooltip="

    This code did not resolve it.

    How do we remedy it?

    Thank you.


    Thank you for your patience, I took a look at your page but it didn’t load as for me, I tried a few other paginations and none of them loaded with the trailing /?s=
    You said that you tried the solution here and it didn’t work for you, I found that your page source code for this solution is showing the < and > html entities incorrectly &lt; and &gt;
    so please check your code and ensure when you paste it the html entities don’t change.
    I also found that if you search the source code for ?s= the yoast-schema-graph is adding it:
    so you may want to also look at that.
    I hope this helps.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,
    Thanks for looking into this.
    Can you please cover the domain name in the first image as well?
    URLs load fine on my end with Seach parameter /?=s added as it is built-in WP function.

    I pasted the code as provided in the solution, so I am not sure where the issue is. I still see the menu list item showing for the search form:
    <li id=”menu-item-search”…

    The Yoast plugin is set at its defaults, so I am not sure where that is coming from.

    Thank you.


    I blurred the first image, perhaps I’m not understanding what your issue is, when I check your page the trailing /?s= is not added. Do you find that it is?
    If you are clicking the link you posted above with the trailing /?s= such as then it will be passed to the url, any parameter after a question mark will be passed, this is normal and expected for WordPress.
    But I’m not sure how this relates to the function above to Remove “nofollow” from search, as this is working correctly on your site, here is when the function is disabled:
    and here it is enabled, note the “nofollow” is removed

    Best regards,


    The issue is in the original post. I was simply pointing out that our URLs load with and without the parameter – not sure why they did not for you. tags all pages as warnings but I will re-check after the function is added. Initial testing did not seem to make a difference.

    Thank you.


    So you mean that the semrush report says the URLs are appended with ?s= not that they actually show this in the browser address bar when you check?

    Best regards,


    They “show up” in the browser when I type them in or click on the links in semrush. Pages with “?s=” ARE responding and opening. Not sure how else to put it.
    I am attaching an image to show what SEMrush views as Warning of “xx outgoing internal links contain nofollow attribute” as well as the source code showing search form is still being generated despite adding the function.

    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by biotechz.


    We have checked the links in the screenshot above and the robots meta tag are properly set to “index,follow”, which makes the semrush “nofollow” warnings seem inaccurate. Did you try to run the semrush test again?

    We have also found this old thread, which might be related to this issue.


    In the later versions of the theme, we have added the rel=”nofollow” attribute to the search icon to prevent duplicate URLs, but based on your screenshot above, the rel attribute is not included in the search icon html. Did you modify the avia_append_search_nav function?

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,
    After we moved to a different VPS and re-run semrush now things are working. Not sure what the actual fix was or if the function was not taking effect.
    Now we see the ‘search’ pages blocked from crawling rather than ‘nofollow’ error. Same goes for archived tags, which leads me to believe that something in Yoast was not working right and affecting the whole search.

    You searched for | Site Name
    You searched for | Site Name

    Thanks again for your support!



    Great, I’m glad to hear that things are working as they should again. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.

    Best regards,

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