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  • #1335072

    Hi folks. I activated the “Search” box in the menu of my page, and I see two small issues:

    1) if I type something in the search box without typing “Enter”, I get a preview of the first 4 results in the menu box.
    At the end of the preview list I see the link “View all results“, not translated (in Italian).
    I thought “Ok, it was not translated, I’ll do it by myself”, I opened the “it_IT.po” file with PoEdit, I looked for the “View all results” and I see that there IS an Italian translation.Therefore, for any reason, it seems like Enfold is not using the translated value for that label.
    The same for “Portfolio items” (some of my results are Portfolio items): I see “Portfolio items” in the preview list, “Portfolio items” is translated in the it_IT.po file, but it is not used.

    2) When I’ve searched for something, the “name” of the website (the one you see on the Chrome tab, for instance) is changed to “You searched for ‘search target’ – <website name>”.
    Well, this “You searched for” is in English, and the English label is not even existing in the it_IT.po file (therefore it cannot be translated).

    These are not big issues of course :) I can bear with it. I just wanted to report them.


    Hey A,

    Thanks for contacting us!

    I tested the strings on my local installation however they seem to work fine for me. Please see screenshots here –

    Which version of Enfold are you using? :)

    Best regards,


    See here, it should definitely be the latest one…

    Enfold version as of today

    See below what I see on the screen:

    View post on

    When I hit “enter”, I have the full results page where everything is in Italian. Very strange! The language of my WordPress site is set to Italian, of course.

    Thanks Yigit for your help!


    Hi Yigit, sorry to bother, but the fact that after your tests it is working makes me feel that maybe it can be solved easily for my website as well… any idea why it is not working only in my installation?



    Could you please create temporary admin logins and post them here privately so we can look into it? :)

    Best regards,


    Sure, Yigit, thanks. See information in the private area.
    I am really curious to see what’s wrong…



    I installed Loco Translate plugin and re-saved the translations and that helped with “View all results” text however page title in search result page is still in English. By default it should say “Search results for …” but on your installation it says “You searched for …” so I think that might be related to a plugin.



    That is totally crazy. Before checking what you did, I installed loco translate because I also wanted to translate “Portfolio items” in a different way.
    I loaded the child theme, loaded Italian, edit, changed the translation, synched.
    See below!

    View post on

    What did you do with Loco Translate to make it working the first time? Simply selected child them, Italian, edit, sync?



    That is weird. Yes, I simply clicked sync and saved. Just to make sure, is your profile language Italian?

    Have you tried de-activating all active plugins and check if that helps with the search results title?



    NOPE! My profile language is ENGLISH because I prefer english WordPress menus. The site language is correctly set to Italian though…

    Anyhow: I’ve just set my profile language to ITALIAN, and now I don’t see “View all results” anymore, but I correctly see “Vedi tutti i risultati” :-)

    Thanks Yigit! I think it is an Enfold bug, because it is correctly considering the website language everywhere EXCEPT in that menu. But at least it is not bothering normal users!

    Thanks again pal. Solved!



    You are welcome, A! :)

    For your information, you can take a look at Enfold documentation here –

    If you have any other questions or issues, feel free to start a new thread under Enfold sub forum and we will gladly try to help you :)

    Enjoy the rest of your day!

    Best regards,

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