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  • #690121


    I have a question. I asked once if you could provide a code for a header searchbar. It worked very well, but now I have a problem. If you check the mobile version on the website below and search something it says that it’s not a save connection (see text below). It works on my other pages but not on this one.
    But it’s acutally the same URL as in the normal search, so maybe there is something wrong with the code, could you please check it?

    “Diese Website kann keine sichere Verbindung bereitstellen hat eine ungültige Antwort gesendet.
    Versuchen Sie, die Windows-Netzwerkdiagnose auszuführen.

    thanks a lot,


    Hey hannerinc!

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    I’m sorry but we can’t find the search bar anywhere in the header. Did you remove it? Please add it back so that we can check the error.

    Best regards,


    It must be there but it’s not in the header and it’s responsive.

    best wishes



    Alright. I can see the search form now. We see this error once we submit the form. GET net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR

    This seems to be an ssl or a server side issue. Please contact your hosting provider for more info.

    Best regards,


    thanks a lot :)

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