Hey There,
I have a Challenge and I guess Its pretty easy to solve but I couldnt find the solution.
I made an Online Course and the User should only see one Color Section after the other.
Each Colorsection has 100% browser height. And I gave them an ID and a Class “scrollsnap”.
I tried a few CSS Codes but it does not work.
Perhaps you can help me?
Hey Monika,
Thank you for the inquiry.
Could you provide an example of what you’re trying to do? What should happen when you add the class name “scrollsnap”? If you want the color section to snap to a fixed position and only display when the user scrolls down, you may need to create a custom script or use a plugin. This feature is not available out of the box
Best regards,
Hey Ismael,
Ok could you recommend a script or Plugin i could use?
I want the Website so snap at certain positions when the next color section is scrolled down. So the User do not accidently scolls too fast.
Thank you for the update.
The customization you described would require extensive time and theme modifications, which aren’t covered by our support. Unfortunately, we didn’t find any plugin that have this functionality. If this functionality is essential, you might consider hiring a freelancer through our customization page.
If you have any other questions or need further assistance, please let us know.
Best regards,