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  • #801398

    Hello there dear Kriesi Team,

    I’m kind of heaving the same or similar problem as @erdebene in this thread:

    I have some 100% height color sections, all linking to the next section.
    If you click the scroll down arrow, the content of the next section is not centered and the next scroll down arrow is not visible. (it is off by a few pixels, but enough to be noticable, especially when the next scroll down arrow appears after scrolling)

    I’ve noticed the same problem across all enfold installations so it shouldn’t be an individual issue.
    But just to be sure and for you guys to be able to better support it i’ve reproduced the behavoir on a test install, with no plugins, caching or anything that could compromise the bevavoir. (See details in private content).

    The offset issue seems to be connected to the header (height) somehow, as the scroll behavoir works as it should when the header is deactivated on that page. Also the height that is missing for the (next section) content to be centered, seems to be just about the same height as the header.

    – Latest version of enfold 4.0.7
    – latest version of wordpress 4.7.5
    – No Plugin conflicts
    – No Caching issues
    – No corrupted files (Made a fresh enfold ftp install)

    I’ve tried the suggested solutions:
    – Plugin Hash Link Scroll Offset
    – Custom Script that @vinay provided

    Both didn’t show any effect …

    Your help with this issue is much appreciated.

    Thank you!

    best regards


    Hey foveaworks,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Please edit the js > avia.js file, look for the “avia_smoothscroll” function and find this code around line 792.

    shrink	= $('.html_header_top.html_header_shrinking').length,  

    Add the following code underneath.

     sticky  = $('.html_header_sticky').length,

    And then look for this code.

    	fixedMainPadding += frame.height();

    Append this one.

    if(sticky) {
    	fixedMainPadding -= $header.height();

    The modification should adjust the scrolling position if sticky header is enabled.

    Best regards,


    @ismael Aweseome that did the trick.

    Thank you so much!



    Great! Unfortunately, the file is going to be overwritten once you update the theme so creating a change log or a note about the modification would help. :)

    Best regards,


    I’m using a child theme, so I should be good unless it’s a major update :)
    Would suggest to implement this in an upcoming version of enfold though. What do you think?



    Actually, I can’t reproduce the issue on my installation so the issue is probably caused by a custom css modification or a plugin. We’ll investigate the issue further. For now, please keep the modification in the js file. Thank you.

    Best regards,


    I have the same problem, but only on iPad (Version 2, iOs 9.3.5).
    The page offset ignores the height of fixed header and anchor sections ->
    The Modification of avia_smoothscroll in avia.js, like Ismael suggested, is ignored by my Ipad.

    Additionally, the false element is highlighted, in top navigation after scrolling, but only in portrait (device width 768px).

    Best regards,



    I checked the site and the anchor menus are working properly but I would suggest that the first anchor menu “Features” be removed.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    thanks for your fast response.

    #top is appended on the link of the current page automatically by Enfold or Worpress?
    How can I stop this behaviour?

    Best regards,



    It shouldn’t be appended automatically. Please check the menu item then use the hashtag symbol in the URL field. Or create a ticket with the login credentials. We’ll check the menu items.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    the menu item is of type page.
    The url is therefore created automatically.
    It would be great if you could take a look at the menu items in the backend.

    Best regards,



    Please remove the menu item then replace it with a custom link. In the URL field, add the hashtag symbol.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    I replaced the menu item with a custom link:

    Sorry, but this solution doesn’t work.

    Best regards,



    We are very sorry for the late response.

    We replaced the first value of the two sub menu items with absolute url. Please let us know if these two menu items are working on your end.

    Best regards,



    I added the js folder to my enfold-child theme and edited the avia.js file according to above but nothing happens.

    Menu is sticky and with icon (not text)

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by grafixstudio.


    : This is a fairly old thread and the scripts might have changed since. Please open a new ticket or thread with the site url and the login credentials. We’ll check the site there.

    NOTE: Remove your site from the private field.

    Best regards,

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