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  • #435805


    I’ve created a page with 5 different colour sections at 100% height with “scroll down arrow” activated. Unfortunately when I click on the arrow it always scrolls down 2 sections. ie jumps over one section.

    Thank you so much for your help.


    Hi Corina!

    When I view your link it looks like you have a coming soon template setup. Can you send us a link to the exact page that is having the problem?



    Hi Elliott
    So sorry, pasted the incorrect link. Here’s the correct one:
    Thanks, Corina



    As far as I can see you only have 3 sections and the scroll is working just fine, on what browser are you getting this error?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard

    That is correct. Client wanted to take out 2 additional sections…. I just updated Enfold today to the latest version and it is now working. Not sure what it was but before it was jumping from the 1st to the 3rd section.
    Thanks for looking into it.
    All the best,

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