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  • #1255341


    just noticed on a desktop format, that if the Color Section is quite a bit longer than the view port / screen, the down arrow doesnt work as expected:
    Down arrow doesn’t work

    Is this a problem with too much content or a known issue?

    Thank you and stay safe.


    Hey Webmaster,

    I can’t see anything going wrong on my end, could you try to explain the problem a bit further please?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    Website Page

    Thanks for your reply. Click the first down arrow on the header aslideshow image. This will take you to the next section. You will have to scroll down to the next down arrow. Click that down arrow and nothing happens.
    Also nothing happens when clicked on with users using IOS.

    2nd Down arrow issue


    Sorry for the late reply and thanks for the screenshot, I believe the issue is that you have a hidden color section with the ID standalone_tech_specs between #eco_vanity & standalone_kit_for_sale
    So in your screenshot the arrow in the #eco_vanity section is pointing to #standalone_tech_specs, which is hidden, so the link doesn’t work.
    Please test your page with no hidden color sections.

    Best regards,


    Brilliant, well spotted :)

    Still one of the best investments for WP development.



    Did you need additional help with this topic or shall we close?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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