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  • #253980


    Please take a look at this page:

    I’ve added this CSS to get the correct sizing of the text I want:

    #top h2, #top h1 strong {
    color: #FFFFFF!important; 
    font-size: 45px!important; 
    .caption_framed .slideshow_caption .avia-caption-content p, .caption_framed .slideshow_caption .avia-caption-title, .avia-caption .avia-caption-content p, .avia-caption .avia-caption-title {
    color: white!important; 
    font-size: 24px!important; 

    However I’d like it to scale as the width decreases (for Smartphones / Tablets). Can you tell me what other code I need to add / adjust to make this happen? Thanks!


    Hey Brian!

    Please add

    @media only screen and (max-width: 768px) and (min-width: 480px) {
    .caption_framed .slideshow_caption .avia-caption-content p, .caption_framed .slideshow_caption .avia-caption-title, .avia-caption .avia-caption-content p, .avia-caption .avia-caption-title {
    color: white!important; 
    font-size: 14px!important; 
    @media only screen and (max-width: 480px) {
    .caption_framed .slideshow_caption .avia-caption-content p, .caption_framed .slideshow_caption .avia-caption-title, .avia-caption .avia-caption-content p, .avia-caption .avia-caption-title {
    color: white!important; 
    font-size: 11px!important; 



    Thanks for the info as it did help with the scaled-down versions of the site. However, it still conflicted due to the amount of subtext being used. I opted to create simple slides within Layerslider WP and that worked out much better as the text scales in proportion to any size of the page.



    Great! Let us know if you have any other questions or issues :)


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