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  • #308833

    Hi there,
    first let me say thanks for this great template :) You thought on nearly every wish a normal template user may have :)
    Unfortunately our graphic artist has some very special wishes.

    To solve one of these issues I modified the ALB Special Heading a little bit.

    I added an additional option “special-invers” which is now selectable while using the Special Heading.

                            "name"  => __("Special Invers", 'avia_framework' ),
                            "desc"  => __("Choose if you want to invers the heading.", 'avia_framework' ),
                            "id"    => "invers",
                            "type"  => "select",
                            "std"   => "",
                            "subtype" => array( __("No", 'avia_framework' )=>'', __("Yes", 'avia_framework' )=>'special-invers')

    When settings this to yes I enclose the content in a <span> tag with an inversed class. So far everything works as expected.

     // check if special inversing is wanted
                        if(!empty($invers)) {
                            debug_to_console("covered by inversing");
                            $heading = "<span class='special-invers'>{$heading}</span>";

    How can I save the setting of my own option “special-invers” ?
    Now it shows simply the default setting, nevertheless what was choosen.

    PHP is not my preferred language, so I’m not that fluid in it.

    Thanks in advance.


    Hey Michael!

    How can I save the setting of my own option “special-invers” ?

    Not sure what you mean here, could you please elaborate on what is left to do? from what i see in the sample page the span.special-invers is correctly wrapping the heading elements who have this option selected.

    Best regards,


    I’m really sorry that I’ve bothered you for nothing.

    I just had a look in the backend and everything works as expected. Where Invers was set to yes, it’s yes, where it is disabled, it shows No.
    I didn’t recognize this yesterday. Mayve looked in the wrong row, wrong browser window – whatever.

    Sorry again, thank you for responding and close this issue.


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