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  • #492753

    Dear Kriesi Team,

    using your latest theme 3.3.2 and earlier as well, I did notice problem with settings saving. For my website I am using Open Sans Condensed font for headings and for body text. Settings, theoretically are saved because page displays properly, but while accessing the “General Styling” and than “Fonts” tab in Enfold settings I see Default and Arial instead of Open Sans Condensed which has been set earlier. So every change I did on other tabs, leads to clear my fonts settings.

    I will appreciate your help with this situation.

    Thanks and regards,


    Hey leszek,

    Not sure why that is happening, but it looks like you have custom CSS to set it in your child theme’s CSS? What happens if you remove it and set it only in the theme options? Also, I’m not sure which of the Enfold installations you are using as the parent theme?

    Best regards,


    Hello Rikard,

    indeed there were two instances of Enfold, but a minute ago I have deleted the old one, leaving only the newest one (3.3.2). During the day, in the free time, I will move my custom CSS into Quick CSS inside Enfold theme and will deactivate Custom CSS plugin. And of course after that, I will share all my findings.




    alright, let us know when you are ready and we’ll take a look.



    Hi Andy,

    I did check it. Deactivating Custom CSS plugin and moving all my own css code into Quick CSS inside Enfold theme did not work out. Moreover the page itself displays differently, has a different aligning of top menu and the also the width has changed.
    And of course :( the font settings are still disappear after saving. So I am returning to the previous (basic) stage with own css code inside Custom CSS plugin.




    Please remove the avf_google_heading_font filter in the functions.php file then use this instead in order to set the default fonts:

    add_action('init', function() { 
    	global $avia;
    	$avia->options['avia']['google_webfont'] = 'Open Sans Condensed:300,700&subset=latin,latin-ext';
    	$avia->options['avia']['default_font'] = 'Open Sans Condensed:300,700&subset=latin,latin-ext';

    Best regards,


    Hello Ismael,

    thank you for the update on my topic, now I think the problem is solved, but please give some time to have an eye on this :)




    Alright. We will keep this thread open. Remember that you have to remove the code in case you want to change the font settings.


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