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  • #709172

    Hello guys, great job by the way!
    In this one i need your help. I’m having a bug not sure why , with blog posts and columns widths and height.
    1- I’m having trouble because in this blogpost it seems like its all aligned right with free space at left and some text are not organized.
    So, i have this color section with one 2/5 column and the others 1/5 .
    1- I need to reduce the space between them (and i have 5 columns of 1/5 below that ones and they must be parallels)
    2- I need to maintain same height in all collumns even id the titles and the excerpts are longer or smaller

    Thank you very much and keep up the good work.

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by perogoncalves.

    Hi Pedro!

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Edit the first column in the row then set the Equal Height Columns to Equal Height. Note that you have to reset this setting if you move the columns. Could you please provide a screenshot of the blog issue?

    Best regards,


    Hello, of course !
    I want this columns all aligned , and i’m having trouble with it .
    I have that 2/5 text that is all aligned not sure how. I need to reduce space between the columns , and i need it to stay organized with the 5 columns below .
    Another thing that i’m not cappable of doing is to maintain height even if the title and he excerpt have one line, or three lines, or five…

    Thank you !


    Anyone there guys?



    it seems that we need a password to check the site you’ve provided:

    Best regards,


    Ok the password is:



    not sure what exactly you want to achieve, a mockup showing the results would help a lot. However, you can adjut height of columns by using this code:

    .entry-content-wrapper.clearfix.standard-content {
    height: 690px;

    Adjust as needed.

    Best regards,


    how i want it

    So, i’ve set a maximum limit of characters for Title and Excerpt , but i want to keep same height no matter the content, it can be filled with blank space .
    Another thing, when i set height to :480 (or other value) the first column it stays bigger than the others (as you can see on the first picture) , and i want it to be all aligned.



    a password is needed, to be able to see your website. Let us know when you’re ready to provide it to us.

    Best regards,


    As i said before, the password is
    Thank you



    use this code:

    .post-entry-69 .entry-content-wrapper.clearfix.standard-content {
    height: 414px !important;

    and adjust as needed.

    Best regards,


    Hello again,
    still not working…
    Maybe we can try another aproach.
    So, i want to have 5 blocks like this:

    I not making it , because i have this height differences and the content it self, have variations.

    I appreciate the help !
    Thank you

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by perogoncalves.


    I can’t find the elements (posts) you’re showing on your screenshot on the link you’ve provided. Please always provide us a precise link where we can inspect the elements in question.

    Your posts seem fine to me:
    The other one looks like this:, which is better than before, so just adjust the height value in my code and you should be fine.

    Best regards,


    I didn’t made myself clear, that last image is what i want. Not what i have.
    What i have is similar, as you can see on homepage.
    I need to put the text in bloc one as the other .

    Problem 2 i think that is solved, but problem one remains.

    Thank you



    to adjust height of the 3 smaller columns use this code:

    .entry-content-wrapper.clearfix.standard-content {
    height: 525px !important;

    and to adjust height of the bigger one use this code:

    .post-entry-69 .entry-content-wrapper.clearfix.standard-content {
    height: 458px !Important;

    Simply adjust as needed and you should go fine.

    Best regards,

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