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  • #398492

    I’d like to have all of my buttons be the same height, with the text (sometimes 1 line, sometimes 2) centred vertically. I’ve tried

    .avia-button {
        min-height: 120px !important;

    but that isn’t giving the result I’m looking for (all text aligned at the top across the buttons, rather than centred in the button).

    I’ve also tried

    .avia_iconbox_title {
         position: relative; 
         top: 50%; 
         transform: translateY(-50%);

    without any luck.


    • This topic was modified 10 years ago by svenwalther. Reason: Make it easier to read


    The first code is meant to affect a button and the second one an iconbox title, i’m not following you. Can you please post a screenshot/mockup of what would you want to achieve? a link to your website will be helpful too.

    Best regards,


    I’m trying to get the buttons to all have the same height, and have the text centred vertically in the button. How can I add screenshots? I’m not able to share a link as the site is an intranet behind a security firewall.


    Upload the image to Dropbox or Imgur, then post the link here.



    Right now buttons look like this (text length determines button height):

    But I’d like them to all be the same height (looks much more consistent), like this:



    1. Add this line to theme / child theme functions.php:


    2. Set the class of “one-line” to the one line buttons.
    3. Add this to Quick CSS:

    .one-line .avia-button{
        line-height: 30px;



    Thanks, Josue. Had to play around with the line-height to get it just right, but this did the trick! Thanks!

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