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  • #227961

    The bobble with the “Salg!” text there is in the corner on the picture when we sell it to a lower price, i would like to change, but i can not find it. I looked in all the language files and searches for the text “Salg!” as it is now. We need it to be “Tilbud!” instead…

    Where to change that text in that bobble?


    Also on the “overview” all products page, the “Salg” bobble is down at the text and not at the picture.. it looks not very nice.. why is that happening and what is the solution.

    How do i upload a screenshut to this issue? So you can see what i mean…


    I still did not get any answer about how i can change the TEXT in the bubble “salt!” ?

    Its very important :-)


    This one i figured out myself.. but my other 2 questions i didn’t yet?

    This one was under: woocommerce/templates/single-product/sale-flash.php




    I suggest to use the free Codestyling plugin to translate the WooCommerce plugin or to change the translation. Install the plugin ( ), go to Tools > Localization and select “Plugins”. Then search for “WooCommerce” in the list and select your language and click on “Rescan” to search for all text strings. Afterwards click on “Edit” and translate the required strings from the textdomain. At least click the “create mo file” button next to the “Textdomain” selection dropdown (top left corner).



    Oh but i figured it out, as i wrote.. But it was in the files not in the language files.. i use “search” in Dreamweaver.. its very good.. and i already have a program to edit language file in.. But in this case it was not in that file.. i had to change the word in another file..



    Glad you found a solution :)

    Best regards,

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