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  • #23788

    Hello! Great theme, I’m really enjoying using it. One of my coworkers loaded up a test page I setup in Safari 5.1.7 on Mac Lion 10.7.5 and he’s not seeing the hover links to go to the full bios for each team member: <–Here’s the test page

    I’ve setup sub-pages with a full bio and large photo for Team Members “Deric Corwin” and Chuan Zhang” on that page, and for some reason he doesn’t even see the links on hover at all. Any idea how I can fix this?



    I tagged this thread for Devinv because he can test your website on a Mac. I tested it on Win8 with Chrome and it seems to work for me:


    Any word on this issue yet?


    Hi cogitocorp,

    I didn’t see any issue on my end or another computer I asked for it to be tested on.



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