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  • #571597

    Hello there,

    I want the featured image on my blog posts page and on each single blog page to be circular. Is this possible? I’ve listed login info below, you’ll need to log in to see the actual blog page. All software is up to date.


    Hi 1lizcollins!

    Can you please post direct link to your page where you would like to make images rounded?

    Best regards,





    Please add following code to Quick CSS in Enfold theme options under General Styling tab

    .big-preview.single-big * {
        border-radius: 1000px!important;

    then go to Appearance > Editor and open functions.php file and find

    $avia_config['imgSize']['entry_with_sidebar'] 	= array('width'=>845, 'height'=>321);	

    and change the sizes so it would be square and then regenerate thumbnails using this plugin –



    Thanks Yigit! I followed your steps, and the images are showing up elongated, not perfectly rounded. Because I’m using a child theme, I had to add that line of code to functions.php – could this be the problem? I’d like to avoid wiping it out when I update the theme, so any fix that can keep this code in the child theme’s function.php would be appreciated.



    Having the code to the child-theme functions.php file is not a problem at all. When update, you always just update the main theme.
    Please let us know if you have more questions, we will be more than happy to help you out!



    Thanks Basilis. The problem is that I updated the child theme and it didn’t work. The images are not circles, but large pills :( Could take a look at the links below and let me know what I can do to fix it? Thank you. As a reminder, you need to log in with the credentials I previously supplied in order to see these pages.



    Sorry for the delay..
    we are working on your ticket please wait. We will update the results here soon.

    The images size should be a perfect square for it took like a perfect circle.

    Please create a new images size thats suits you well
    use this plugin

    After you install it go to Settings > Media > Add new size

    Regenerate Thumbnails.

    Vinay Kashyap

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Vinay.

    Thanks, you can mark this as resolved.

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