How to make right sidebar more wider to able to accept widget of 250px width ?
Thank you
Any info please ?
Unfortunately it’s not easily possible to shrink or expand the sidebar to a certain width – this would break the responsive layout. However you can change the grid units in functions.php – search for:
$avia_config['layout']['fullsize'] = array('content' => 'twelve alpha', 'sidebar' => 'hidden', 'meta' => 'two alpha', 'entry' => 'eleven');
$avia_config['layout']['sidebar_left'] = array('content' => 'nine', 'sidebar' => 'three alpha' ,'meta' => 'two alpha', 'entry' => 'nine');
$avia_config['layout']['sidebar_right'] = array('content' => 'nine alpha', 'sidebar' => 'three alpha', 'meta' => 'two alpha', 'entry' => 'nine alpha');
If you want to expand the sidebar width replace “nine” with i.e. “eight” and “three” with “four”. This code change will expand the sidebar (+1 unit) and it will shrink the content area (-1 unit).
Is possible to expand only the blue area via css ?
Thank you
You will break the layout of the page. You have to increase the size of the sidebar then descrease the size of the main content. Best solution is to do the instructions above.
What the mean of : ‘meta’ => ‘two alpha’ ?
Thank you
Hi dweb,
The site uses a css grid to construst the layout and keep things responsive. So changing:
'sidebar' => 'three alpha'
to a different grid size as well as the main content area in that function will change the total number of grid columns the sidebar takes up as well as the content area.
You can see a visual representation of this when using the Advanced Layout Editor and using the columns content elements. This is just the code version of that.