revision is not working unless i saw differences between versions, when I restore an older version nothing happen.
Could you help ?
I think I found a solution for the revisions issue and we’ll fix this in the next update (Enfold 2.2). For a quick fix add following code to the bottom of functions.php
add_action('wp_restore_post_revision', 'avia_builder_restore_revision', 10, 2);
function avia_builder_restore_revision( $post_id, $revision_id )
//$post = get_post($post_id);
$revision = get_post($revision_id);
$meta_fields = array('_aviaLayoutBuilderCleanData', '_avia_builder_shortcode_tree');
foreach($meta_fields as $meta_field)
$builder_meta_data = get_metadata( 'post', $revision->ID, $meta_field, true );
if (!empty($builder_meta_data))
update_post_meta($post_id, $meta_field, $builder_meta_data);
delete_post_meta($post_id, $meta_field);