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  • #248861

    hi team, enfold is supposed to be retina ready. but how can i manage that? i read the topic about editig theme framework files – but i use a child theme and copying the framework files into the child theme folder and changing the php for the logo size didn’t work out. please could you explain a way to this feature?


    Hi basmati!

    You should use a plugin such as this one –



    it worked out with that function:–wp-33430

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by basmati.

    thanks Yigit, but now the mobile responsive view looks awfull. enfold enlarges the logo for mobile devices. now i’m seacrching for the enfold media queries – can you give me a hint where to find them in the parent theme?



    Please go to Enfold/Css folder and open Grid.css file. If you can point out the elements and post the link to your website, we can also gladly help you

    Best regards,


    ok – i found it
    but there seems to be no media query for the logo –
    the height is reduced to 80px (!important) – why is that?

    how to change the height?
    the file is 600px x 70px @2x = 300px x 35px (2:1)

    .responsive .logo a, .responsive .logo img {
        height: 80px !important;
        margin: 0 auto;
        max-height: 80px !important;
        max-width: 100%;
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by basmati.


    You could create a media query targeting the logo on mobile:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    .responsive .logo a, .responsive .logo img {
        height: 35px !important;
        margin: 0 auto;
        max-height: 35px !important;
        max-width: 100%;



    thanks josue, works perfect!

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