I want to use a Retina Quality Logo in Enfold.
I found another thread that tells to add an image size attribute to the function-set-avai-frontend.php but this has no influence if I use this in enfold.
I did:
if($logo = avia_get_option('logo'))
$logo = "<img src=".$logo." alt='' width='200' height='100'/>";
$logo = "<$headline_type class='logo'><a href='".home_url('/')."'>".$logo."$sub</a></$headline_type>";
The Logo is still displayed bigger at his regular size. (the image is double the size(400×120 in my case for retina display)
Do i need to refresh something ( I am quite new in WordPress so please be detailed)
Btw. is 200×100 really the max. recommended size for Enfold or can one go bigger.
Thanks Frank
just a post that i made in error as I needed to understand the backtick stuff for code.
Glad you were able to get it sorted out :)
Let us know if you have any other questions or issues.