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  • #1224059

    Hi guys,

    Is there an easy way to resume playback for the video element?

    For instance, user is logged in, watches a video lesson and has to leave suddenly.
    When the user comes back, he wants to resume the video where he left off.

    Is this possible to solve with code or do I need a plugin for that?

    Can you help me please?



    Hi Morticka,

    Unfortunately, there’s no easy way to do that. :(
    Enfold uses WordPress Video player and I can’t seem to find one that behave that way (like Youtube).
    I think you can try to check in envato/themeforest if there are paid wordpress plugins that have that feature.

    Best regards,


    Hey Nikko,

    Oh that’s to bad :(

    Do you have any recommendations for a plugin? :)



    Hi Morticka,

    I could not find any that matches what you wanted, which I believe is a feature similar to Youtube where you last left off.
    I think the only workaround is an embedded youtube video. :(

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko,

    My apologies for the late response, I thought I already answered you.

    I have been searching for a video plugin to take care of that, but there are SO many out there.

    I would have to know which one is also compatible with Enfold, do you know this?



    Hi Morticka,

    To be honest, we also couldn’t test every plugin, though we only test in some very popular plugins like woocommerce.
    The only plugin I found which I think has it is Learndash (and the feature is called Video Progression), however it’s a paid plugin which I could not test.

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko,

    Thx for your reply :)

    Oh to bad, I had hoped you already came across one that’s compatible with Enfold.

    Yes, Learndash has video progression, but unfortunately it’s not fully compatible with Enfold (yet).

    Oh well, the search continues.

    You can close this ticket.



    Hi Morticka,

    Thanks for understanding.
    And thanks for using Enfold and have a great day!

    Best regards,

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