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  • #1259968
    Kryštof Rubáš

    I bought your Enfold theme on Envato Market. We had prepaired our bussines presentation on it, but unfortunety we had to close the shop before we even open…thanks to the coronavirus.

    So i used the licence for a web which was running just a month.

    Plese could you restart the licence number, that i can use it for another project?

    details of purchase:
    item id: 4519990
    invoice nr: IVIP34734616
    order nr: 114196495

    thanks for help
    Krystof rubas


    Hey Kryštof Rubáš,

    Please review the terms and license regulations on the following link:

    All you need is to generate a new API key for the new website.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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