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  • #1404740


    Mobile version ist not working. Desktop without a problem, mobile damaged. We recently put in the Google GA4 Property. Three different ones are in the theme at “google services” because I did´n know which one was working. As I saw the problem I stoped. Please help.


    Hey acardell887,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    The site seems to be responding correctly on mobile view. Would you mind providing a screenshot of the issue? Please use imgur, savvyify or dropbox for the screenshot.

    Best regards,


    Hi, now the desktop version is damaged as well…



    Thanks for the screenshot, I can’t reproduce those results on my end though. Did you try loading the site in a private browser window? Also make sure that all caching is cleared and deactivated, and you could try toggling file compression on/off under Enfold->Performance as well.

    Best regards,


    Hi, now it is also working on my side. Which options do you mean at the performance site? Can you send a screenshot?

    Could the problem be caused on the tracking codes in the google services? I’m still not sure what I have to put in there. Ga4 ist not working yet



    You can find the options I’m talking about under Enfold->Performance. Your tracking code should not cause any changes in appearance on your site.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    Ok, but what should I change under performances to solve my problem. Today it happened again in order of a change in the Google Tag Manager.

    Please see picture attached. First side is not shown correctly.


    I checked your page and it seems to be working correctly, I also don’t see and code in your Google Analytics Tracking Code field, when you add your code to this field was this causing the error?
    If so what is the code that you are adding?

    Best regards,


    Hi, you can’t see the Google Container? I put ir in the private note. And yes, the problems always came after I changed something with that code.


    Hi acardell887,

    I have added the google tag manager and it seems the single and double quotes are causing the issue, I have replaced them and the issue seems to be fixed.
    Please review your site.

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko, seems to work. What exactly did you and and where? Just du have a clue for the next time :)


    Hi acardell887,

    This is what I did:
    1. Copied your code inside a text editor (like notepad) and replaced all single quotes and double quotes.
    Single quotes -> ‘ and ’ replaced with ‘
    Double quotes -> ” and ″ replaced with ”
    Basically, it’s just manually replacing these symbols since the previous symbol causes an error in the script.
    2. Paste the code in Enfold > Google Services > Google Analytics Tracking Code

    Best regards,


    Hi, thank you. Seems to work


    Hi acardell887,

    You’re welcome! We’re grateful to have been able to lend a hand. :)
    If there’s anything else you need, don’t hesitate to create a new post. Have a wonderful day!

    Best regards,

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