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  • #266628

    Thanks for a terrific theme! I have two issues: (at

        1) The responsive settings work but there’s a buggy issue with the menu when you view the page on a tablet (iPad) in portrait. (I get the same effect when I reduce the browser window (Chrome/Mac). The menu covers the logo and doesn’t change to the responsive dropdown menu. (it does eventually on the browser window when I decrease it more.)
        2) The “blog post” grid: if I have 4 columns of 4 posts, the first post appears differently even when all four posts have the same dimensions for the featured image. I tried using 2 columns and it appears correctly. So it seems to have something to do with 4 columns. And as with the above issue – the problem looks worse in the almost-responsive view.

    Both examples are on the same page.

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by hollymlewis. Reason: Added note to #2 re: the bugginess of responsive look

    Hey hollymlewis!

    1- Please go to Enfold theme options > Header Layout > Mobile Menu > Header Mobile Menu activation and choose 990px
    2- Please add following code to Quick CSS in Enfold theme options under General Styling tab

    .avia-content-slider .slide-image, .avia-content-slider .slide-image img { background: transparent !important; max-height: 185px; }


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by Yigit.

    Thank you! Issue #1 Seems to be fixed!

    As for #2…we’re getting there. I added the CSS code you provided and it works …sort of. The pictures now have the same height… but for some reason the images are getting resized and looked skewed. (too narrow) when the responsive settings get applied. (it gets worse as the width decreases to mobile phone width. Would adding a min-width somewhere help?
    Screenshot of this

    Plus, the grid look still seems to offset the pictures until it resizes them smaller – Screenshot of this



    I have updated the code i posted, please try it now

    Best regards,


    The max-height setting definitely stopped the bad–resizing. So that part is fixed.

    As for the grid effect. (again, I’m using Google Chrome) The grid goes from 4 columns to 2 at around 1008px (using a Chrome extension to find this)… that’s when this happens. It looks that way until I decrease the width to about 783px. Then it looks almost right (the first picture just can’t seem to align correctly).



    Thank you for using the theme!

    I’m not sure why the columns act that way but they should be fullwidth on 989px screen width or lower. Please add this at the very bottom of Quick CSS or custom.css:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 989px) and (min-width: 768px) {
    .responsive .av_one_half.first.el_before_av_one_fourth, .responsive .av_one_fourth.first + .av_one_fourth + .av_one_half, .responsive .avia-content-slider-inner .av_one_fourth {
    width: 48%;

    Best regards,

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