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  • #406075

    Hi all. The site I am working on it http://five01.com

    On the mobile responsive site, I just want to move the menu button down a little bit so that it lines up better with the logo. I’m assuming there’s some QuickCSS I can use for this, but I can’t figure out what it is. Thanks so much for all your help.


    I am also trying to get the logo smaller, but only on mobile. I thought I had accomplished this with the following:

    .responsive .logo img { max-height: 50px !important; }

    But this made the logo smaller on all platforms. Thoughts?


    Hi aelainen,

    love your site und really like the idea with the round graphics on the slider.
    On my devices (huge desktop und iPhone 4) the menu button is perfectly aligned.
    But I have two issues with your menu:
    The line under “CONTACT” runs out to the right. Update to Enfold 3.0.8 or use this:

    html_header_searchicon_disabled #top .main_menu .menu > li:last-child > a .avia-menu-fx {
    left: 0px; }

    If I hover “ABOUT” the highlight-line covers all menu items. Is this due to the mega-menu?



    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by EricS72.

    Ok… you can close this. I got it figured out. Thanks.



    Glad you got it solved, just get back to us if you should have any further questions.


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