Hi enfold-Team.
I activated the responsive images option, but it does not work. I understand it like this: On big screens a big image is delivered and on small screens a smaller thumbnail of the image. Did I get it correctly?
My issue: The biggest image size is delivered on smaller screens, too.
How can I make it work, so that smaller thumbnails are delivered for smaller screens?
Homepage is: http://www.photoart-huebner-business.de
Best regards.
Hi Photoart-Huebner,
We apologize for the delayed response.
You are correct in saying that responsive images are for delivering big images on big screens and smaller images for smaller screens however we are conforming to WordPress standards as defined in https://developer.wordpress.org/apis/handbook/responsive-images/
Unfortunately, this could not be implemented in background images however you can use CSS as a workaround for this, though it is done manually.
So in your Color Section with an ID of pricing, you can change the background image in mobile by adding this CSS code in Enfold > General Styling > Quick CSS:
@media only screen and (max-width:767px) {
#pricing .av-parallax-inner {
background-image: url('THE_IMAGE_URL') !important;
Just replace THE_IMAGE_URL with the actual background image url.
On other sections, you just need to use the same pattern and just replace #pricing with the correct ID.
Hope this helps.
Best regards,
thank you – I will try this in the next days
Hi Photoart-Huebner,
You’re welcome :)
Just let us know your feedback once you’ve tried it :)
Best regards,