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  • #842281

    I’m new to Enfold and surprised to find that the full screen slider I used on the home page, and the color section backgrounds on interior pages aren’t responsive. Is there a setting or technique I’m not aware of, or should I just hack away at it using CSS. Thanks!


    For the color section background image.
    Go to Section Background tab (of the color section).
    Then scroll down to where you set the Background Repeat value.
    Set it to “Stretch To Fit“.

    Haven’t played with the fs slider yet.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by chrisbryant.

    Thank you for your response. Yes, all color section bgs are set to ‘stretch to fit,’ but still not reponsive.



    Can you try adding this css code in Quick CSS (located in Enfold > General Styling):

    @media only screen and (max-width:767px) {
      #av_section_1 .container {
        height: 60vw;
      #av_section_1 main.content.av-content-full {
        padding: 0;
      #av_section_1 .hr-invisible {
        display: none;

    Let us know if this helps :)

    Best regards,


    Thanks Nikko. Your code makes the bg responsive below 767px, which is great. I changed it to 1300px and 50vm and now it’s responsive all the way down. But what troubles me is that Enfold seems to NOT be responsive out of the box. This is supposed to be a ‘mobile ready’ theme, so I hoped to avoid hacking the styles to make it work. If that’s what’s necessary, it’s very disappointing. But you were terrific. Thanks!



    Enfold is responsive and the thing about fullscreen slider is it covers the whole height and width of the monitor, Stretch to fit is a setting where the image is set to fully cover the whole height and width while maintaining the aspect ratio of the image. What the code I gave you does is to force the fullscreen slider to set the height of the container based on the height of the image instead of the whole screen. You will notice in the code that there’s no adjustment to the image (img).

    Best regards,


    Could you please help me ! I tried this code and it’s a disaster on my home page ! I have tried to delete it and the disaster is still there ! Could you help me please ! My goal was the same to make the color section and my fullscreen slider on the home page responsive for smartphone ! And it’s not the case … how to proceed please ?


    It’s alright the disaster is fixed… it was just a matter of time, the update tooks 10 min before going back to normal… But my problem is not fixed. The code you gave us makes problem on my home page (texts and images appears in disorder) : The fullscreen slider doesn’t change (still not responsive) only 1 color section becomes responsive (on the “prices page”) the ones of “about” and “services” pages don’t change.
    Thank you in advance for your help.


    I have tried again your code : it works for color background section
    It doesn’t work for the full screen slider on my home page. Could you please help me ?
    Other problem to take in consideration : When I use your code, it create a disorder on my home page, I think it doesn’t fit with animations …
    Could you please help me to fix the problem. I had to delete the code for the moment in order visitors of my website can’t see the mess.

    I am waiting for your help.
    thank you in advance.


    Hi vnvo,

    The code I mentioned above was specific for dbdbdb’s website and would not work on other sites except if layouts are the same.
    I have added this css code in your Quick CSS, located in Enfold > General Styling:

    @media only screen and (max-width:479px) {
      #fullscreen_slider_1, #fullscreen_slider_1 > .avia-slide-slider {
        max-height: 40vh;

    You may need to clear the browser cache.
    Let us know if you need further assistance.

    Best regards,


    Thank you so muh Nikko, you’re so efficient ! It’s perfect ! The slider works perfectly on my home page. For the color section I get ti fix the one of “about” and “services” pages but the one of “prices” page I didn’t get to fix it. Could you please help me ? It is just not responsive on smartphone.

    Thank you in advance


    Hi vnvo,

    We’re happy to hear that :)
    I have changed the code I previously gave to this:

    @media only screen and (max-width:479px) {
      #fullscreen_slider_1, #fullscreen_slider_1 > .avia-slide-slider {
        max-height: 40vh;
      .page-id-2933 #av_section_1.av-minimum-height-75 .container {
        max-height: 26vh;

    I have also disabled CSS file merging and compression since it’s just fetching the old css. You can enable it after few days, just to get rid of the cached css.

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko,
    I’m recontacting you because finally using your code to do the same on the “about” and “services” pages doesn’t work.
    I have tried to copy/paste this part :
    .page-id-2933 #av_section_1.av-minimum-height-75 .container {
    max-height: 26vh;

    changing the id page only ; it has worked for the “tarifs” page (the french version of the “prices” page) but not for “about” and “services”
    Could you please help me ?


    Hi vnvo,

    Try removing .page-id-2933 from the last code I gave:

    .page-id-2933 #av_section_1.av-minimum-height-75 .container {
        max-height: 26vh;

    The page id limits it to specific pages only.

    Best regards,


    Yes it works ! Thanks a lot Nikko !


    Hi vnvo,

    Great, I’m glad that Nikko could help you out :-)

    Best regards,


    Dear Nikko,
    I’m getting back to still because of the responsiveness of Enfold.

    Few months ago we had fixed the problem about the full screen slider responsiveness on the main page and also the responsiveness of image sections on other page.

    Actually the problem is fixed on smartphones but not for tablets, and according google analytics I have few visitors using tablet, so could we fix this problem also for these visitors please?

    Thank you so much in advance :)


    Hi vnvo,

    Could you please give us a link to your website, we need more context to be able to help you.

    Could you please attach some screenshots of the issue?

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    Thank you for your reply .
    Actually I cannot attach any screenshot here … ?
    The problem is : that for example on a ipad, the full screen slider in the home page is really too big (not responsive) ; and on the page about and prices, the background sections at the top of the page (image of a dog in a luxury car ; image of 2 dogs drinking a beer) are too big (not responsive) also.

    My goal is ,as Enfold theme is sold as a responsive theme, to get a website full responsive using a laptop, a smartphone or a tablet.

    Please find in the private content the login and password of my website.

    Thank you very much for your help in advance Victoria.



    Hi Charlene,

    Please upload screenshots to a service like and give us the links here so that we can understand the issue better.

    Best regards,

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